Monday, July 6, 2009

A Different Kind of Crazy by Lawrence W. Wilson

Subtitle: Living the Way Jesus Lived

The title of this book gets your attention, and the sub-title tells you what the book is really about. Author Lawrence Wilson has been a writer, an editor, and a pastor. He uses real-life anecdotes and the basic outline of the Sermon on the Mount as he takes "What Would Jesus Do" to a new level . He points out that Jesus sometimes followed the rules, while, at other times, he bent them.

Wilson's anecdotes illustrate how hard it can be to know how Jesus would have handled a given situation. However, in Wilson's words: “To be a Christian is to live as Jesus lived, and, unlikely as it seems, ordinary people can do just that.”

The book is based on the Sermon on the Mount, which is included in near end of book. There's also a guide for small-group study.

I highly recommend this book as one that you will read and study over and over again.

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