Like everyone who keeps up with the news, I was aware that illegal immigration is a problem and that our government has been slow to admit that there is a problem. And even slower doing anything about it. What I didn't know was how the criminal element on the border takes advantage of the poor and uninformed people who want to come to the U.S. This criminal element is responsible for abuse of property rights as well as murder and mayhem along the border. The drug runners are part of the problem, but the complicity of the governments of the U. S. and Mexico exacerbate the problem.
Please read this book if you care at all about being informed as an American citizen. Ankarlo and his crew took and undercover trip to Mexico, visiting the areas where illegals congregate to prepare for border crossings. The crew crossed the border just like the illegals do, spending a harrowing night in the desert. They risked their lives to get the complete story on this issue.
Ankarlo covers illegal immigration from every angle and every viewpoint. He's been called a racist and a hater, but I didn't get that impression from the book. Here's a man who cares deeply about his country and wants us all to know that illegal immigration is a serious threat to national security, even our survival as a nation.
Full title is Illegals: the Unacceptable Cost of America's Failure to Control Its Borders, Thomas Nelson Publishers. Author Darrell Ankarlo is a radio talk show host in Arizona who has taken special interest in the illegal immigration issue. First published in 2008, the 2010 edition is an update. Ankarlo is no longer on the air in Phoenix due to a traumatic injury.
Buy it on Amazon here
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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